Fritz Trainers Chess Software Programs for the PC



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    پشتيباني آنلاين

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    برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان سایت  شطرنج رستمی و آدرس لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.


    براي اطلاع از آپيدت شدن سایت در خبرنامه سایت عضو شويد تا جديدترين مطالب به ايميل شما ارسال شود

آخرین نطرات

    تشکری - با سلام و تشکر از مطلب عالی تون.
    ممکنه بیشتر توضیح بدید با اسمارتيز چطوری پسر دو ساله ام رو با شطرنج آموزش بدم.
    من تصمیم داشتم شطرنج جامبو ترنج رو براش بگیرم که با مهره ها آشنا بشه. ولی متاسفانه پیدا نکردم. - 1396/3/25
    Amir -

    سلام. لینک دانلودی که گذاشتین ظاهرا خرابه و فایلی رو نمیتونم دانلود کنم. اگه میشه لطفا واسم ایمیلش کنید. خواهشا بهش نیاز دارم. خیلی گشتم ولی نتونستم پیداش کنم تا اینکه رسیدم به سایتتون و دیدم اینجام نمیشه دان کرد. خیلی ممنون

    پاسخ: سلام این فایل در سایت موجود است

    - 1395/3/10
    احمد رضائيان - با سلام و ارادت به آقاي رستمي خستگي ناپذير فقط ميتوانم بگويم كه باعث افتخار و سربلندي ماست بودن افرادي چون شما . پوينده و پاينده باشيد
    پاسخ: ممنون از شما دوست عزیز - 1394/12/12/chessrosta
    دوستون دارم - کوین ب معنی ملکه است از انجایی ک در زمان گذشته این ملکه بروی شاه تقریبا حتی میشه گفت تاثیری بیشتری ب نسبت وزیر داشته چون این ملکه ها از خانواده های پرنفوذ و ثروتمند دوران خود بوده اند و همان ملکه هست ک تقریبا وزیر هم میشه گفت. و فیل هم ماجرایی تو همین راستاها داره خواستین توضیح میدم - 1394/9/24/chessrosta
    سرافرازی -
    سلام ببخشید من ویندوز 10 دارم وقتی روی اکتیویت آفلاین کلیک میکنم (برای کرک کردن فریتز 14)هیچ عکس العملی نشون نمیده و توی کادر چیزی نمیشه نوشت میخواستم ببینم به خاطر ویندوز 10 هست یا کلا چه راه حلی داره
    خیلی ممنون
    پاسخ: به فیلم آموزشی روش نصب در سایت مراجعه کنید بهتره که ویندوز 7 یا 8 نصب کنید - 1394/9/4/chessrosta
    امیر - باسلام
    لطفا ف ار ممکنه فایل ها را برای من ایمیل کنید
    وب عالی ای دارید - 1394/4/30/chessrosta
    چترنگ - اسب نماد سواره نظام، فیل نماد همون فیل!! رخ نماد ارابه های جنگی و وزیر یا فرزین نماد فرمانده لشکر شاه بوده که نمیتونه زن باشه. سرباز هم که همون پیاده نظامه
    اینا اساس جنگهای هند قدیم هستش که به صورت بازی دراومده. ایرانیها هم بعدا اصلاحاتی توش انجام دادن که باعث بهتر شدن بازی شده
    حالا اسقف و ملکه با مسماست یا نمونه های وطنی؟ - 1394/3/24/chessrosta
    huihh - اشکال نداره من اول رجیستری کردم بعد ریختمش؟ - 1394/1/2/chessrosta
    مهناز - سپاسگزارم از اینکه ماهیت سی دی کسب درآمد از اینترنت را یادآور شدین
    پاسخ: وظیفه بود دوست عزیز - 1393/12/14/chessrosta
    محسن - کار کرد. عالی بود. ممنون. - 1393/12/12

فروشگاه شطرنج

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فروشگاه تخصصی شطرنج

Fritz Trainers Chess Software Programs for the PC

Fritz Trainers Chess Software Programs for the PC
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Attack Chess DVD
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Attack Chess DVD
5000 تومان


This new chess training series from ChessBase is aimed at players below 2200. The idea of the series is to provide a basic grounding on a variety of subjects, which will assist general all-round improvement. On ‘First Steps in Attack’ 
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Defense, Chess Software DVD
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Defense, Chess Software DVD
5000 تومان

Here noted author Andrew Martin treats the chess player to a selection of classic chess games and lays out a foundation course in the art of defending. Key thinking points reinforce the analysis and the games, and the author shows that defense can be fun! 
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Chess Opening Play!  Chess DVD
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Chess Opening Play!
5000 تومان

First Steps in Opening Play attempts to equip chess players will all the information needed to tackle this tricky area and to emerge into the middlegame with a good, playable chess position. 
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Positional Play! Chess DVD
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Chess Positional Play!

‘First Steps in Positional Play’ attempts to equip the viewer with all the information he or she needs to begin to tackle this aspect of chess. Players below 1500 will benefit from this basic advice. Players above 1500 will enjoy the detailed examination of many current master games. This is an enjoyable tour of positional play from which everyone can learn. 
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Chess Technique, Chess Software
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Chess Technique
  هر دی وی دی 5000

The acquisition of excellent chess technique seems elusive to the average player, but on this new ChessBase DVD, FIDE Senior Trainer Andrew Martin shows how to take first steps in the right direction.
Strategy and Tactics
Strategy and Tactics CD

Strategy and Tactics by Peter Wells addresses advanced players. It contains an introduction and five lectures which deal with purely practical subjects: the calculation of variations and how errors arise. These are important themes where a Grandmaster trainer is able to draw on his rich and varied experience and provide chess students with valuable tips. There are five more lectures on positional chess. 
Fritz Technique Trainer 2 CD
Fritz Technique Trainer 2 CD

Winning won positions � this vital chess skill can be acquired and improved with the CDs of the Fritz Technique Trainer series. 
Ask the Pieces! Chess Software
Ask the Pieces! Chess Software

How should systematic chess coaching be structured so that students are able to use their freshly acquired knowledge in their own games? Author Stefan Becker came to an astonishingly simple answer. The solution to every chess problem lies on the board. 
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Defense Chess Download
Andrew Martin: First Steps in Defense, Chess Software Download

سایت تخصصی شطرنج رستمی همه منابع آموزشی شطرنج را در اختیار دارد



In ‘First Steps in Defence’, Andrew Martin treats the chess player to a selection of classic games and lays out a foundation course in the art of defending. Key thinking points reinforce the analysis and the games. The author shows that defence can be fun, and he gives a lot of precious tips. 
Endgame Fireworks DVD
Endgame Fireworks DVD

On this DVD Alexei Shirov shows that also in the endgame, it is possible to keep struggling for the full point to the very last - if you are creative and ambitious. Because even in objectively quite balanced positions, you can frequently find ways to sharpen up or complicate the fight. For the tournament player, often all that matters is to be able to pose practical problems which his or her opponent might finally fail to solve. 
Attacking Chess Volume 2
Attacking Chess Vol. 2 CD

In the game of chess, attacking is a vital skill. Here, GM Aagaard continues his instructive lessons on the second volume of Attacking Chess. 
Attacking Chess Volume 1
Attacking Chess Vol. 1 CD

Attacking is a necessary skill in the game of Chess. This software will help you improve your attacking play. 
The NimzoIndian Defence The Easy Way
The NimzoIndian Defense The Easy Way DVD

On this DVD Danish IM Jacob Aargaard introduces you to the secrets of the Nimzoindian Defence (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4). 
Queen's Indian Defence - The Easy Way
Queen's Indian Defence - The Easy Way DVD

After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 White players often play 3.Nc3 allowing the Nimzo-shop Indian Defence. But what happens if White plays the just as natural 3.Nf3? 
Endgames for Experts
Endgames for Experts DVD

If you want to play successful chess you must pay great attention to the endgame. Because it is only if you handle the endgame correctly that you can turn an advantageous position into a full point or save half a point from an inferior position. 
Chess for Scoundrels
Chess for Scoundrels

On this DVD Davies discusses the various ways by which a player can conduct psychological warfare, from inducing Pavlovian responses to insulting the opposition with provocative moves. A knowledge of these methods is essential for the serious tournament competitor, if only to avoid becoming another victim. Video running time: more than 4 hours. 
The Scheveningen Sicilian DVD
The Scheveningen Sicilian - Ftanick DVD

GM Ftacnik sets out to explain the vitality of the key Scheveningen line, a rich position offering scores of different plans for both sides. Players will learn to respect the importance of Black’s central pawn structure d6, e6 and its deep and essential relationship to the different d6, e5 formation. 
The Spanish Exchange Variation - Andrew Martin
The Spanish Exchange Variation

The Spanish Exchange Variation - IM Andrew Martin explains the simple principles behind the Ruy Lopez Exchange and illustrates his points with many exciting and epic battles staged by Grandmasters and World Champions! 
Modern Benoni for Advanced Players Chess Software
Modern Benoni for Advanced Players, Chess Software

In this DVD International Master Ari Ziegler is giving you a fighting repertoire against all White systems in the Modern Benoni. The target audience is club players with Elo 1500-2400. Thanks to Ziegler’s research you will find many surprisingly simple solutions in some lines, while in the critical lines which are being debated he gives new moves or reevaluates underrated systems. 
ABC of Alekhine's Defense 2nd Edition DVD
ABC of Alekhine's Defense 2nd Edition DVD

In the fully updated ABC of the Alekhine, we take a look at how the opening stands in 2011. 1...Nf6 seems to have a bright and enduring future. IM Andrew Martin provides sound, active recommendations for Black

ادامه دارد......


فروشگاه تخصصی شطرنج

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